Caring Hands
Managing Pain, and
Maximizing Function.


6901 Debarr Rd, Suite 1E
Anchorage, AK 99504
9:00am – 5:00pm
9:00am – 5:00pm
9:00am – 5:00pm
9:00am – 5:00pm
9:00am – 5:00pm
By appointment only

New Patient?

Shoulder Injuries
Joint Pain
Post Surgical Rehab
Low Back Pain
Ankle Instability
Limited Range of Motion
Lymph Edema
Pre-natal Massage
Joint Replacements
Scar tissue Mobilization
Chronic Pain
Return to Sport
Individualized Workouts
Pre-Surgical Rehab
Ankle Instability
Scar Tissue Mobilization
SI Joint Pathology

Grip, Don't Slip!
Do you need some traction this winter?
We can help. Stud services, 5$ per pair.
Why Choose Us?
At East Side Physical Therapy, we customize your rehabilitation program based on your presentation, lifestyle, and goals. We are your best choice for outpatient orthopedic physical therapy in Anchorage.
We are a small clinic, focused on individualized patient care. We want to help you reach your goals of improved function. You tell us what your life is like now, and what you want it to be. Our job is to discern what specific systems we can help you modify. Then we help you understand how your body works, and help you apply the knowledge to help it work the best it can for you.
Pride in Ownership-
The clinic is owned and operated by a local Physical Therapist and US Army veteran; Jeanna Duryee, DPT. She received her doctorate in 2001 at the University of Southern California, the highest rated PT program in the country.
We believe you get the best care when you are seen in a therapist owned PT clinic. When you see a PT in a clinic that is owned by a large health care organization, the PT's have production quotas and work hard to maximize profits for the owners and stockholders. Here we are paying the hands you see on deck. We see fewer patients, and spend more time getting to know them, and treating them. That improves our outcomes.
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) advocates against PT clinics owned by physicians due to the concern of referral for profit. Most PT schools do not even allow their students to intern at clinics that are owned by physicians.
Our Integrative/Holistic View-
Our background and foundation are evidence based medicine. Under this theory, we work to always have the best information, with the most scrutiny. When you do this, you often learn new information that contradicts something you were trained to do. It is hard to change what you "believe", but it is in the best interest of our patients.
We combine that foundation with the understanding that the patient comes with a body, mind, and spirit. We refer patients out for treatment to Yoga instructors, naturopathic doctors, counselors, and specialist physicians as appropriate.
Dr. Duryee studies and practices the traditional uses of local plants as food and medicine. In Alaska, we have a rich knowledge base of the historical uses of plants thanks to local elders and authors collaborating. We also have newer findings on the chemical components of plants that back up the traditional uses. With the help of the internet, we can also access the scientific databases of medical research from the United States and other countries. There is vast amount of supportive information available that is both science and tradition based.
Dr. Duryee harvests these plants, and makes a line of products that she uses with her patients, and sells. She has products that help reduce pain and inflammation, speed healing, and improve immune function. Her research on local plants and diet is readily shared with her patients. She also teaches a few small classes a year to help others learn how to stay healthy in the far north.
All of this education and research has been enhanced with 15 years experience practicing in Alaska. We work hard, play hard, and unfortunately can sit around too much in the winter. We are here to help when that combination turns to illness or injury.
Let us help you be your best. Call East Side Physical Therapy, and we will work together to make it happen.